TMZ reports that 2011 Medal Of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer has sued Bristol Palin for the joint legal and physical custody of Sailor Grace, the baby girl Bristol allegedly gave birth to on December 23rd. Meyer is also asking for child support.
We say “allegedly” because a Palin-watch blog contends that Bristol actually gave birth in November, raising the possibility that the father of Sailor Grace may be another man whom abstinence advocate Bristol may have hooked up with during a reportedly drunken Las Vegas visit early last year.
For her part, Granny Sarah is slamming Meyer’s lawsuit. Via Entertainment Tonight:
“For many months we have been trying to reach out to Dakota Myers [sic] and he has wanted nothing to do with either Bristol’s pregnancy or the baby,” Palin told ET. “Paramount to the entire Palin family is the health and welfare of Sailor Grace,” she added, claiming that Meyer is attempting to “save face.”
From Bristol’s attorney: “My values are such that a real American hero doesn’t ask for child support.”
Coming soon to Maury Povich: “Dakota, you are NOT the father!”