Brown & Gay is actually the name of a local engineering firm, but that didn’t stop the complaints from rolling in. From Houston’s CBS affiliate:
Here’s proof that the first impression isn’t always the right one. KHOU 11 News received angry calls and emails regarding a local restaurant’s sign put up on MLK Day.
The sign out front of Logan Farms Honey Glazed Hams on Westheimer Road read: “Brown and Gay Employees Get Half Price Plate Lunch This Week Only.” When KHOU asked the owners about their controversial wording, they were pretty confused.
“Brown and Gay employees get 50 percent off their lunch,” explained owner Pink Logan, “What that references is a company one block from here called Brown and Gay Engineering!
Logan says the employees often walk across the street for lunch at his business. It never occurred to him that the sign was controversial. He also said no one contacted the restaurant about the sign except us.
(Tipped by JMG reader James)