Former AG Eric Holder Endorses Hillary Clinton

Former US Attorney General Eric Holder today issued his endorsement of Hillary Clinton. The Associated Press reports:

As she works to maintain an advantage among African-American voters in her quest for the Democratic presidential nomination, Hillary Clinton has secured an endorsement from the nation’s first black attorney general. The Clinton campaign announced Eric Holder’s support in a statement to the Associated Press.

Holder, who served as President Barack Obama’s top law enforcement appointee for more than five years, said Clinton “is the candidate that we need in the White House” to continue “the progress of President Obama.”

The former attorney general will campaign for Clinton in an upcoming swing to South Carolina, accompanying her to a state Democratic Party dinner Saturday and a Sunday debate sponsored by NBC News and the Congressional Black Caucus.

Holder’s statement cited a list of policy areas that Clinton has highlighted in her battle against Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, including several that resonate strongly among black voters.

Is this first Clinton endorsement from any of her former colleagues in the Obama Cabinet?