JMG reader Nicholas observes that Shapiro posted this rant at the Daily Signal and not at Trump World Headquarters (aka Breitbart) where he would be eviscerated as a RINO. Shapiro writes:
In an odd way, Trump resembles President Obama. He’s a thin-skinned egotist who identifies his own success with the success of the country. President Obama treats attacks on him as attacks on the United States; he treats personal affronts as national slights.
Trump would be the same way. Trump’s less ideological than Obama – Obama sees every conservative as an enemy, while Trump doesn’t discriminate based on baseline ideology. That’s why Trump wouldn’t be an effective conservative egotist.
But he could be effective, if he happens to stumble on the right enemies. Trump wouldn’t make America great again – he’d make Trump great again, and by his lights, America would follow. So long as Trump temporarily attacks the right enemies, enough conservatives might follow him. But that doesn’t make him trustworthy.
The rest of the piece is worth a look in keeping with our “infighting is funny” meme.