As I’ve mentioned here before, top Ben Carson advisor Armstrong Williams once settled a sexual harassment suit filed by a male trainer at his gym. Today porn magnate Larry Flynt has published an open letter which denounces Carson for being anti-gay while working closely with a man whom he likely knows is gay himself. Flynt is offering a reward of up to $1 million for proof that Armstrong is a “predator” who has indeed sexually harassed other men. Via the Hollywood Reporter:
“Dr. Carson, Heal Thyself!” the Hustler publisher begins in the paid ad, then goes on to describe a nearly 20-year-old lawsuit against Armstrong Williams, a conservative radio personality whom Carson has described as being part of a “package deal” should he be elected president.
“Armstrong Williams, your brother in faith and the person you say you trust more than anyone else outside of your immediate family,” Flynt writes, “settled a lawsuit out of court after affidavits provided allegations that he initiated unwanted sexual advances toward other men.”
In 1998, Williams was accused by former personal trainer Stephen Gregory of more than 50 separate incidents of sexual harassment. In the filing, Gregory says that Williams repeatedly “kissed him on the mouth, grabbed his buttocks and genitals and climbed into bed with him on business trips.”
When Gregory refused the advances, Gregory claimed in the suit, Williams retaliated by firing him. Gregory sought $200,000 in damages but ultimately settled with Williams out of court.
In his letter, Flynt accuses Carson of being “a hypocrite” for associating with Williams. “You have linked gays with bestiality and the North American Man/Boy Love Association. You have opposed same-sex marriage, accusing marriage equality advocates of ‘directly attacking the relationship between God and his people,'” Flynt asserts (accurately). “Yet, you have partnered with an accused sexual predator.”