The Philadelphia Daily News has earned international attention this morning for today’s front page. The UK’s Independent reports:
Donald Trump has been likened to the historical far-right as his campaign is backed by neo-Nazi fascists, in the wake of remarks calling for all Muslim immigration to be banned. The Tuesday edition of the Philadelphia Daily News, a tabloid with a circulation of around 100,000, ran with the front page: “The new furor”. The Republican presidential hopeful had received the endorsement of neo-Nazi and white supremacist website The Daily Stormer in June, but a recent article published on the website praised the controversial candidate: “Heil Donald Trump – THE ULTIMATE SAVIOR.” Meanwhile, on the message boards of website Stormfront – “a community of racial realists and idealists” according to its promotional message – members celebrated Trump. “He is the only one talking sense, I have to admit it. I agree with him 100 per cent on this,” wrote Celticlady6.
Britain’s Telegraph today launched a quiz titled “Who Said It? Trump Or Hitler?” The quiz includes this disclaimer: “Hitler caused the deaths of millions; Mr Trump has no criminal record and is a democratic politician running in a free election.”