“A broken system allowed terrorists to come to our home and slaughter Americans. A bold, non-politician candidate calls for a pause in this flawed bureaucratic program so it can be fixed, to make sure it doesn’t happen again. That’s commonsense, which is why the media and spineless pundits attack it.
“A private university President in Virginia encourages students to exercise their constitutional right to bear arms to defend themselves and their fellow man against terrorists. That’s commonsense, which is why his courageous, wise advice is now attacked.
“Come together, America, to focus on proactive solutions to protect our children from terrorism, after 7 years of neglect.
“Ignore the White House as it spews talking point rhetoric accusing Trump (thus suggesting all who question their wrongheadedness) of being ‘unamerican.’ Yet it is their leader declaring his need to ‘fundamentally transform America’ because he so wrongly sees our exceptional nation’s foundation as fatally flawed. Now THAT is unamerican.” – Sarah Palin, from a lengthy rant posted this afternoon on her Facebook page.