According to yet another frantic money beg from Brian Brown, the president is secretly conspiring behind closed doors with LGBT activists in an evil Satanic plot to destroy White Jesus and God’s Holy Creation of male/female complementarity. Or something! Send money! Brown writes:
What a president does in public isn’t the only place where his influence is felt; sometimes what he does out of public view can be just as important, or even more so.
We all saw President Obama’s open promotion of the LGBT agenda with his “evolution” on marriage (of course, he didn’t actually evolve, he merely lied to us when he first ran in 2008), his abandonment of the Defense of Marriage Act, his urging the US Supreme Court to impose same-sex marriage on the nation, and the disturbing spectacle of his bathing the White House in rainbow colors when the Supreme Court did as he asked.
Obama’s public actions to destroy marriage and disrespect people of faith and supporters of marriage are major motivating factors for why we are working so hard to elect a proven marriage champion as president.
If we are to be successful, we’re going to need your help. That’s why I’m asking you to please make an urgent donation today as we approach the end of the year. We have the opportunity to obtain up to $200,000 in matching funds, but we are still way short of our goal. Please act today with a gift of $25, $50, $100 or even $500 or more, which will be matched dollar for dollar through December 31st.
President Obama is doing more than publicly advocating the LBGT agenda, he’s working behind the scenes to advance their dangerous agenda, which defies common sense and American values.
One of the basic truths of life, a truth designed by the Creator Himself, is that humanity is composed of men and women, two different genders that complement each other. But the LGBT agenda depends on citizens ignoring this obvious truth and reconstructing our perceptions of humanity. Men and women are said to be the same, so it doesn’t matter if you marry a man or a woman. It thus follows in this flawed perception that children are not entitled to a mother and a father — any two will do. And it only follows from there that biology should not be seen as a defining characteristic of humanity — whatever sex people “feel” or “identify” with determines their gender.
Thus, it then follows that a teenaged boy who identifies as a girl must be treated as a girl, allowed to shower with girls, change with them and use their restrooms. The biological reality of his male body parts must be ignored, and any protests by actual girls in these intimate facilities must be rejected as the product of prejudice and animus.
Of course, there is no justification for this nonsense as a basis for public policy. Fortunately, despite all its cultural and political advantages — massive funding, a fawning media, an entertainment conglomerate that continually shoves LGBT characters and shows in our face, and the support of the political elite, Wall Street billionaires and corporate titans — the LGBT movement has utterly failed to convince Americans of rightness of its position, as the recent vote in Houston overwhelmingly rejecting the “bathroom ordinance” demonstrates.
I shudder to think how far President Obama will go in his quest to appease the demands of extremist LGBT groups like the Human Rights Campaign. The next president will not be sworn into office until January 20, 2017, so Obama has thirteen more months to assault our values.
But there’s one thing that gives me comfort: This damage can largely be undone by the next president, provided he is a principled, pro-marriage champion. And ensuring that is up to you and me.