Here we go again. This time it’s New Mexico. Via Albuquerque’s NBC affiliate:
Two New Mexico lawmakers have pre-filed a bill that would give state business owners the right to refuse business to gay, lesbian and transgender people and their families on the basis of religious freedom. Republican Reps. David Gallegos and Nora Espinoza are the sponsors of the bill, HB55.
“The intent of the bill would be to ensure people would not be forced to operate their business that was in a way inconsistent with their religious beliefs,” said Rep. Gallegos in a Friday interview.
Such a law would have allowed businesses like Elane Photography to get away with refusing to photograph a lesbian couple’s wedding. In that case, the couple took the refusal to court, claiming the photography company discriminated against them, and won.
“We are hoping that it would reduce the lawsuits, like you are saying with the photographer, because it would keep everyone on an even playing field,” Rep. Gallegos said.
The above-linked article notes that the bill would violate New Mexico’s Human Rights Act. Elane Photography, should you have forgotten, had their appeal rejected by the US Supreme Court. (Tipped by JMG reader Bill)