The Log Cabin Republicans are weighing an endorsement of Donald Trump, who typically has little to say about LGBT rights. And that makes him a relative standout in this year’s crowded GOP field of fiercely anti-gay candidates. Reuters reports:
“He is one of the best, if not the best, pro-gay Republican candidates to ever run for the presidency,” said Gregory T. Angelo, president of the Log Cabin Republicans, an advocacy group for LGBT Republicans. Trump would do no harm on same-sex marriage, Angelo said, and has a “stand-out position” on non-discrimination legislation.
They have asked for an audience with Trump, and in January they are due to begin discussing their criteria for endorsing whomever the GOP nominates for president. Angelo qualified his praise for Trump’s record with the caveat that he’s been polarizing on other issues.
That, Angelo said, “is something that should at least come into the discussion.”Since 1992, the Log Cabin Republicans have endorsed or withheld their endorsement from Republican nominees based on key issues. But Trump might be able garner its support.
Trump has said that he opposes same-sex marriage, but he’s also slammed Kim Davis, saying “The Supreme Court has ruled on it.”
RELATED: It was the homocons at the now-defunct GOProud who brought Trump to speak at CPAC 2011. Some consider that event to have been Trump’s first real foray into politics.