Donald Trump called into the radio show of KKK-affiliated hate group leader Tony Perkins this weekend to complain that Christians no longer have the political power they once did. Right Wing Watch has the audio and transcript:
Tony, I can, tell you this, that religious liberty is very important to me, and I see more and more, especially, in particular, Christianity, Christians, their power is being taken away. I just watch it and I get angry at it. You look at what is going on with other religions, you look at, as an example, what’s happening with respect to Muslims and others where perhaps they just band together better or something.
But, you know, the Christian, every year, you just see it more and more. You know, you go from one thing to the next to the point where it’s not politically correct to say ‘Merry Christmas’ to anybody or you go to stores and you don’t ever see the word ‘Christmas’ anymore. You don’t see that term anymore, Tony.