Breitbart house homocon and misogynist Milo Whatsisopolous says that birth control makes women bitchy, unattractive, and slutty. From his conclusion:
Of course, if your darling wife has been on the Pill for the last five years of your union, you’ve never actually met her in her true form. When she finally stops dosing, you will be faced with a woman who has spent the last half-decade not learning how to deal with the Twilight Zone insanity endemic to the female brain. When she comes off the drugs, be prepared for all your worst nightmares to come true. You literally just asked an addict to go cold turkey.
Now, you may be asking what I would have women replace the Pill with, since it’s obviously so awful. Condoms? Vasectomies? The answer is: nothing. We need the kids if we’re to breed enough to keep the Muslim invaders at bay. Tossing out birth control isn’t just kinder to women, it may be the only way to save civilisation. Sorry, no offence, but it’s true. And hey! It’s what God wants, too.
Milo, not incidentally, is a favorite among the Breitbart commenters, many of whom also endorse the death penalty for homosexuality.