“The homosexual buccaneers read these notes and makes huge fun of them on their vicious blogs. One of them is actually called Joe.My.God. That’s right. They are outraged that we are unwilling to allow them to impose their agenda on Christians all over the world.
“But, this is their goal: to force Christians to accept homosexual marriage, to force Christians to officiate at their phony ‘marriages’, to force Christians to cater their phony wedding ceremonies, to force Christian schools to teach how normal and wonderful the active homosexual lifestyle is.
“In order to continue this fight, C-Fam has a profound need of thousands and thousands of dollars to close our budget gap for the year and to fill our coffers so we can come out swinging in the new year.
“Can you go right now to www.c-fam.org/donate and give as much as you are able? Did you have a great year? Were you so blessed? Can you afford $1000? How about $500? $100? $50?
“Please pray for our work, pray for our protection from these very dangerous people, pray for the souls of the children we are sworn to protect. And give: www.c-fam.org/donate.” – Austin Ruse, head of C-FAM, via email.
PREVIOUSLY ON JMG: Austin Ruse says JMG readers are controlled by Satan. Austin Ruse gets fired by the American Family Association last year after a guest-hosting spot on their radio network during which he declared that liberal university officials “should all be taken out and shot.” Austin Ruse claims that a Vatican priest once offered him absolution if he were to murder Hillary Clinton. Ruse is the head of C-FAM, the Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute, which is a member of the World Congress of Families, the coalition working with NOM and others to export anti-gay hatred to foreign counties. During a speech at CPAC 2012, Ruse denounced the United Nations for issuing a resolution against the gay death penalty. Ruse is married to FRC “senior fellow” Cathy Ruse.