Ted Cruz At “Death To Gays” Conference: If You Don’t Fear God You Aren’t Fit To Be President [VIDEO]

Last night Ted Cruz was the last of three GOP presidential candidates to take the stage at the “religious liberty” convention organized by gay death penalty advocate Pastor Kevin Swanson, whose supporters also distributed pamphlets calling for gays to be executed. Swanson began his introduction of Cruz with a wild hand-waving rant in which he declared that “Jesus Christ is the king of the president of the United States, whether he admits it or not!”

Swanson’s first question to Cruz was this: “How important is it for the president of the United States to fear God and what does that mean to you?”  Cruz: “Any president who doesn’t begin his day on his knees isn’t fit to be commander in chief.” Perhaps obviously, the conclusion reached from Swanson’s opening lines and Cruz’s response is that non-Christians cannot be president.