Dan Savage: Houston’s Haters Won By Convincing Voters That Straight People Suck

“The haters insist trans women aren’t women. They’re men. Men who fake being women because they wanna enter women’s restrooms to ogle women and girls. So they’re saying trans women are actually straight men. Straight men who pretend to be women specifically to enter women’s restrooms to ogle (or worse) women and girls because opportunities to ogle women and girls are so scarce in our porn-saturated culture—porn is so hard to come by, and it’s not like there are millions women and girls posting pics of themselves to Instagram, so of course straight men will fake being trans women (and risk the violence, discrimination directed at trans women) to get an eyeful of women washing their hands after peeing. Okay… So the haters in Houston argued—successfully—that straight men are terrible. Right? They argued that trans women are actually straight dudes who are attracted to women. So the haters won yesterday by convincing a majority of voters in Houston that straight people suck.” – Dan Savage, writing for the Stranger. Hit the link for a comparison to similar tactics used against gay marriage.