The American Family Association today published a guest column by anti-LGBT activist Michael Brown who declares that evangelical Christians should not vote for Donald Trump because he is a boastful liar. An excerpt:
Should evangelical Christians support Donald Trump as the Republican candidate? I do not see how we can if the Word of God is to be our guide and if it’s important to us that a candidate have a solid moral compass and a biblically based worldview – and I mean to be our president, not our spiritual leader, since we are electing a president, not a pastor or priest. The Scriptures teach that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks (Luke 6:45), and so Trump’s consistent pattern of reckless speech points to deeper issues which could make him unfit for the office of the presidency.
I’m not just talking about his silly attacks on Megyn Kelly (blood), Carly Fiorina (face), and Marco Rubio (sweat) or his more serious attacks on Mexican immigrants (accusing the many of what the few do) and others. I’m talking about his character assault on Ben Carson, comparing him to a child molester who has pathological problems and, most recently, his apparent mocking of the disability of New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski. Worse still, rather than apologizing for his most recent remarks, he claims he is being unfairly attacked for his comments and alleges that he doesn’t even know what Kovaleski looks like. Is he lying?
A disclaimer at the foot of the column says that the AFA doesn’t necessarily endorse the views of its writers. The same disclaimer appears on columns written by their radio host Bryan Fischer.
PREVIOUSLY ON JMG: Michael Brown claims the GOP candidates would not have attended Pastor Kevin Swanson’s “death to gays” convention if they’d know about his views in advance. Michael Brown claims gay activists want Christians thrown into prison. Michael Brown claims that Hillary Clinton is controlled by Satanic homosexuals. Michael Brown claims that the Bible is 100% true except for the parts he doesn’t like. Michael Brown leads a hate march of hundreds of Christians to disrupt Charlotte’s gay pride parade. Michael Brown debuts his book with a video using small children to ridicule gay families.