Pat Robertson: Gay Marriage Is Still Illegal [VIDEO]

Today Pat Robertson responding to a viewer question by telling his audience that same-sex marriage is still illegal because the Obergefell ruling only applies to the “couple of people” who brought the case. Brian Tashman has the quote at Right Wing Watch:

“In the legal system, party A sues party B over marriage, ‘I want to get married to them,’ and the court says, ‘Okay, you can get married,’” he explained. “That doesn’t mean that I’ve got to get married to homosexuals, it doesn’t mean that you have to nor does it mean that it’s the law of the land. Congress didn’t pass any law. Your state legislature didn’t pass a law. So you’re not under anything, it’s a decision of the court having to do with a couple of people. Now they would like to make it bigger than that but, in terms of the Constitution, it isn’t.”