Matt Drudge: The Media Is Covering Up The Lovers Of “Old And Sick” Hillary Clinton

Saying that he hasn’t been photographed in eight years, yesterday closeted homosexual blogger Matt Drudge “appeared” off-camera on the whackadoodle InfoWars show where he told conspiracy nutjob Alex Jones that the media is shielding the lovers of “old and sick” Hillary Clinton. Politico reports:

At the start of the segment, Jones said Drudge had surprised the Austin, Texas-based show with his appearance but only his voice is present throughout the 46-minute video, standing behind the camera holding a microphone. Drudge tore into Clinton at parts of the interview, calling her “old” and “sick” and only a contender because the media are making her so. “They’re making her a contender with these propped-up ‘Saturday Night Live’ things. It’s like a head on a stick,” he said. “She is not a viable, vibrant leader for this country of 300-including the illegals-380 million Americans. So the media is trying to put us asleep. You’re not letting them, Alex.” Drudge also decried a “cover-up” on “seeing Hillary’s lovers” and a variety of “so many issues that are suppressed on a daily basis.” “Where I’ve had a lot of success is I’m getting people from both sides of the aisle. They’ve always said, ‘Oh, he’s a right-wing gossip monger,’ mainly because of Lewinsky and those years–which, by the way, are back,” he said. On the Democratic candidacy of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who turned 74 in September, Drudge wondered aloud if Democrats could “find anybody under the age of 70.”

Below is the full interview.