Franklin Graham Has The Ten Commandments Sadz

“We have been appalled at news reports of ISIS and the Islamic State tearing down all symbols of Christianity in the Middle East; but think about it—we’re doing it to ourselves here in the U.S. Atheists, activists, and anti-God groups like the ACLU, the Freedom From Religion Foundation, and the Military Freedom of Religion Foundation are on a quest to erase or tear down anything associated with the Name of Jesus Christ. This is an example of why I’m going not just to this capital next year—but to all 50—with the ‪#‎DecisionAmericaTour‬. I’m going to challenge the people of God to stand for His truth and righteousness and make a difference in this nation. Will you join me in praying for America and taking a stand before it’s too late?” – Franklin Graham, in a Facebook post denouncing the removal of a Ten Commandments monument on the ground’s of the Oklahoma state capitol.