Breitbart Mocks As Jeb Bush Curtails Campaign

The Bush campaign is running out of the money and nobody is happier than Breitbart, where they love to mock Bush’s fluency in Spanish. They write:

Going well beyond prudent cost cutting and a defensive posture, Team Jeb Bush will begin making such significant campaign cuts effective November 1, they can’t be seen as anything other than a big red flag that his bid for the GOP nomination is in serious trouble. Add in an increasingly disgruntled funder network and the candidate’s continued stumbles and failure to connect with voters and it likely won’t be long before people start speculating about when the latest Bush to seek the White House gives up and goes home without the prize. Given these latest developments, it may not be long before the last phrase in Spanish Jeb Bush mumbles for 2016 is the now infamous No Más.

The comments at the above-linked piece are as you’d expect.