Ben Shapiro: The Tea Party Isn’t Dead, It’s Waiting

A Gallup poll issued yesterday showed that support for the Tea Party is at an all-time low, with only 17% of those surveyed saying they have a favorable impression. Today Ben Shapiro blames the GOP establishment and soothes his Breitbart readers about all that “chortling” from the left. He writes:

Ejected from the levers of power by the Republican establishment, Tea Partiers have moved away from their disorganized campaign of providing informal support to Republicans more broadly, and have instead infiltrated into grassroots-friendly presidential campaigns from Donald Trump to Ben Carson to Cruz. In the process, their population has purportedly shrunk, but their power has not waned.

Look for it to wax again as the presidential race moves forward. The Tea Party was born in dissatisfaction with intransigent government and willful politicians. They may have bled away into the woodwork, but they’re not gone permanently. When the time comes, the Tea Party will be back with a vengeance, to the evident discomfort of all the same Republican establishment members who disliked it in the first place.

Tomorrow the Tea Party will be handed its biggest defeat in some time when Paul Ryan is elected as House Speaker.