Kim Davis Tries To Stay Out Of Jail

Here is today’s nonsense via Equality Case Files:

Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 6(b), Local Rule 7.1, and Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 8(a)(1), Defendant/Third-Party Plaintiff Kim Davis (“Davis”), by and through her undersigned counsel, hereby moves for this Court to enter an injunction pending appeal of this Court’s August 25, 2015 order (D.E. 58), which is the subject of Davis’ notice of appeal to the Sixth Circuit filed on August 31, 2015. See D.E. 66. In support thereof, Davis incorporates by reference the memorandum of law filed in support of her Motion for Preliminary Injunction (D.E. 39-1), and the contemporaneously-filed memorandum of law that is attached to this Motion. WHEREFORE, Defendant/Third-Party Plaintiff Kim Davis respectfully requests that this Court enter an injunction pending appeal of this Court’s August 25, 2015 order, in the form of the proposed order attached hereto. DATED: September 2, 2015.

Anybody wanna translate?