Can Open, Worms Everywhere: Ben Carson Questions Whether Donald Trump Really Loves Jesus

Thus far the fundamentalists have pretty much held back on their usual “Is he a REAL Christian?” test for Donald Trump because they’ve been so pleased with his racist attacks on immigrants. Two weeks ago when Trump declared the bible to be his favorite book yet couldn’t cite a single verse, wingnuts sites screamed with faux outrage that Trump had even been asked such a personal “gotcha” question.  But things seems to swivel over the last couple of days after Trump declared that “the law is the law” and maybe Kim Davis should get a different gig. If you take a trip through the comments at Breitbart, World Net Daily, and Free Republic, you’ll see a long pent-up swell of accusations about Trump’s real faith. Perhaps sensing an opening, today Ben Carson’s handlers thought it would be a good idea to make “I’m more Jesus than Trump” into a campaign issue. CNN reports:

Ben Carson on Wednesday questioned the authenticity of Donald Trump’s faith. “I realize where my successes come from, and I don’t in any way deny my faith in God,” the retired neurosurgeon said at a campaign rally in Anaheim, California, when asked about the biggest difference between him and the Republican presidential front-runner. Carson, who is Seventh Day Adventist, has made faith a cornerstone of his campaign message. Trump, a Presbyterian, has regularly said on the campaign trail that the Bible is his favorite book, but he declined to share his favorite verse when asked by a reporter last month. He’s also said he’s never sought forgiveness from God, and once referred to communion as “my little wine and my little cracker.”

So this should be fun.