UTAH: Reality Show Cast Cites Obergefell In State’s Battle To Reinstate Ban On Polygamous Cohabitation

If you visit Teabagistan today, you’ll see the usual “See? We TOLD you!” slippery slope claims after the cast of the reality show Sister Wives cited the Obergefell ruling in the latest salvo as the state seeks to reinstate its ban on polygamous cohabitation. Which is totally a different thing than polygamous marriage and is legal in every other state, but whatevs! Via the Salt Lake Tribune:

The family of Kody Brown on Wednesday answered Utah’s appeal to reinstate a ban on polygamy, and the family’s brief is notable for what’s there now that wasn’t before. The Browns’ attorney Jonathan Turley wages many of the same arguments that were successful in the lower court. But now Turley also cites recent rulings affirming same-sex marriage. That includes the U.S. Supreme Court case of Obergefell v. Hodges, in which the court upheld the fundamental right of same-sex couples to marry, and Kitchen v. Herbert, the case that brought same-sex marriage to Utah. Turley also cites a Supreme Court case that decriminalized all gay sex as sodomy, Lawrence V. Texas. “From the rejection of morality legislation in Lawrence to the expansion of the protections of liberty interests in Obergefell, it is clear that states can no longer use criminal codes to coerce or punish those who choose to live in consensual but unpopular unions,” Turley wrote in his answer to Utah’s appeal.

More about the 2014 cohabitation repeal can be found here.