OREGON: Anti-Gay Bakers Send Cakes To Ten LGBT Groups As “Gesture Of Love For Homosexuals,” Include Viciously Anti-Gay DVD In Package Because Jesus

Since their conviction for breaking state public accommodation laws, Oregon bakers Aaron and Melissa Klein have raked in about half a million dollars in Christian crowd-funding donations and become sought after headliners on the far-right speaking circuit. Therefore they have grandly sent cakes to ten LGBT groups as a thank you. Mailed with the cakes was the latest viciously anti-gay movie by banana man Ray Comfort. From the extremely anti-gay Charisma News:

The letter that accompanied the cake and DVD read: “Hello, we are Aaron and Melissa Klein. We’re the bakers who declined to create a cake for a same-sex wedding and were ordered to pay $135,000. We want you to know that our actions were not motivated by hatred, and we personally baked this cake as a small token of our love.” The letter continued: “Enclosed is an award-winning movie that further expresses our feelings. I would be honored if you would watch it (it’s also freely available online at audacitymovie.com). One viewer commented: ‘I have to say, as a gay woman who watched Audacity, I agree that the topic was handled with love and compassion, which was refreshing to see … the message was clear (even if it was one I disagreed with as an atheist).’ On behalf of Christians, we want you to know that we do love you, and we are not your enemy (America is about freedom, and freedom for everyone).” Starring Travis Owens (Friday Night Lights), Molly Ritter (Atrophy, Madison), and Ben Price (Australia’s Got Talent), Audacity explores the conflict between Christians and homosexuality using both a thought-provoking plot and real and unscripted street interviews conducted by Comfort. Audacity is the fifth film produced by Living Waters Publications, a biblical evangelism media company led by Founder and CEO Comfort.

In other words, it’s just a motherfucking publicity stunt for the movie. Praise! Glory! The names of the LGBT groups selected were not disclosed. (Tipped by JMG reader Scott)