Headline Of The Day

Via AL.com:

The first thing you need to understand is what the Alabama Public Service Commission is supposed to do – regulate utilities in the state of Alabama. If you didn’t know that, you are forgiven – Alabama public service commissioners forget it all the time. Case in point, Commissioner Chip Beeker. Following the Pledge of Allegiance at the PSC’s meeting Tuesday, Beeker went on a rant that can only be described as full-bore Alabama. God in schools, gay marriage, welfare for the poor and teenage pregnancy – all to Beeker are proof that things just ain’t the way they used to be and things are bad. For a moment Beeker seemed to come back to the 21st century, lamenting a measles outbreak in a daycare in a public school. However, Beeker wasn’t morose over the measles outbreak or people who don’t vaccinate their children. He was expressing his dismay that such a thing exists as a daycare in a public school.

Speaking of wealth redistribution, a commenter at the above link observes that Beeker has redistributed $442,000 in USDA farm subsidies into his own pocket.