TONIGHT: Married Florida Couple To Attend State Of The Union Address

Via Equality Florida:

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-23) has invited newlyweds Todd and Jeff Delmay to accompany her to Washington, D.C. for President Obama’s State of the Union Address on Tuesday, January 20. Residents of Hollywood, Florida, Todd and Jeff were the second couple in Florida to marry on January 5th when Judge Sarah Zabel lifted her stay on same-sex marriage; the first in Broward County to be married. They were plaintiffs, along with Equality Florida Institute and five other same-sex couples, in Pareto v. Ruvin, which successfully challenged Florida’s ban on marriage equality.

It will be a teasplosion. Whee!

RELATED: The Delmays were represented by the National Center for Lesbian Rights and the Equality Florida Foundation in their winning lawsuit against Miami-Dade County.  NCLR head Kate Kendell: “The true heroes in the march to win the freedom to marry have been the
couples, who sacrificed  their privacy and risked ridicule in standing
up to demand that we live up to our ideals of equality and justice for
all. It is fitting that our clients—and truly all same-sex couples—will
be acknowledged and honored with this invitation of a lifetime. We all
share in this thrilling moment. Once again, history is made.”