Tomorrow the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments in the cases out of Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. Lots of LGBT journos will be there in New Orleans, including Kathleen Perrin of Equality Case Files. Things kick off at 9AM local time and I’ll be posting live tweets from the reporters as well as any audio and video that is available.
Also tomorrow the US Supreme Court will meet in conference to consider taking which, if any, of the same-sex marriage appeals currently before them. The five cases they could select are the Louisiana case and the appeals out of the Sixth Circuit Court: Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee. Should any of these cases be chosen, a decision would likely come by June.
UPDATE: Equality Case Files breaks down tomorrow’s action in New Orleans.
Arguments will be before a three judge panel consisting of Reagan appointees Patrick E. Higginbotham and Jerrry E. Smith and Obama appointee James E. Graves. Each side in each of the three cases will be allocated 30 minutes, for a total of approximately 3 hours of arguments. Arguments are due to start at 9 am CT and should conclude sometime after noon (allowing for breaks in between each case). The Court will post recordings of the arguments at its website “within one hour of he conclusion of the last argument.” Those should be available here. We’ll post direct links to the arguments when they become available.