Via Politico:
Hillary Clinton is in the final stages of planning a presidential campaign that will most likely be launched in early April and has made decisions on most top posts, according to numerous Democrats in close contact with the Clintons and their aides. Campaign advisers say the likelihood of a campaign, long at 98 percent (she never really hesitated, according to one person close to her), went to 100 percent right after Christmas, when Clinton approved a preliminary budget and several key hires. Most of the top slots have been decided, with one notable exception: communications director, a job that is now the subject of intense lobbying and jockeying among some of the biggest names in Democratic politics. One top contender is White House communications director Jennifer Palmieri, who is close to likely campaign chairman John Podesta.
According to the above-linked article, Clinton’s formal announcement will come “after the end of this quarter.” On the reported shortlist to be her running mate: Sen. Cory Booker, Sen. Tim Kaine, Sen. Michael Bennet, Labor Secretary Tom Perez, and HUD Secretary Julian Castro.