Just in via email:
Dear Joe, Kellogg’s new Pop Tart commercial includes a double entendre that is inappropriate and unnecessary. Foul language or the implication of it is not needed in this commercial, but that is exactly what Kellogg’s intended with their play on words.
The animated commercial has a mom pop tart and a dad pop tart admiring their newborn baby pop tart at the hospital nursery when a nurse walks in. The dialogue includes: “He so has your peanut butter. Well, he’s got your jelly.” Then the nurse, while rubbing her hands together ready to devour the baby pop tart, says, “Time for a feeding.” The parents say, “No! Ah, Jam It!” The advertisement could have ended with “No!” but Kellogg’s chose to include a phrase that sounded just like a curse word.
Kellogg’s should be more responsible in their marketing decisions. Let them know that as a parent and consumer you are offended the company cares more about financial gain than the impression made on our children. Kellogg’s executives apparently don’t care about what children hear as long as it puts money in their pockets. Everyone knows kids repeat what they hear. This is weak marketing, and Kellogg’s should have the corporate responsibility to not use an age old euphemism that offends families.
A replacement clip in which the final line is bleeped was posted yesterday to the Pop Tarts channel. The bleeped version makes it seem more like the mom is saying “Oh, shit!” The original below (left) was posted to the channel of an ad agency.