Just in via email:
Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s, both owned by CKE Restaurants, are at it again by using sex to sell burgers. Their new ad is extremely inappropriate to air at any time, but especially while families are likely watching. Their “All-Natural” commercial will surely ruin family time once again. The commercial that will be shown at the Super Bowl features a woman who appears to be naked as she walks through a farmer’s market. This is as close to complete nudity as you can get because she appears to be nude until the end when she is in full view wearing a string bikini top and tiny shorts while eating a hamburger from Carl’s Jr. The only indication of who sponsored this ad is in the final few seconds of the commercial. Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s regularly bank on the sex sells philosophy. There is no need for a burger to be promoted by sex appeal, and this advertising ploy is why 1MM will not give up. TAKE ACTION: Please contact Carl’s Jr. (CKE Restaurants) through our website and ask them to pull their Super Bowl ad immediately! Also encourage them to be more responsible next year if they choose to run ads during the Super Bowl again. If they would like our support, they must no longer air sexually explicit ads.