Via Entrepreneur:
Airpnp is banking on the idea that people are willing to pay to pee and rent their toilet out to desperate strangers. Described as the Airbnb for toilets, the app allows users to search for available toilets at homes and businesses in the area and find out the price to use these establishments. According to the company blog, Airpnp started as a “quasi-joke” in early 2014, built around the concept of how difficult it was to find a place to pee while celebrating Mardi Gras in New Orleans. Within the first three weeks, more 300 bathrooms were added to the map. Airpnp locations range from toilets owned by entrepreneurial masterminds to kindhearted people offering a free place to relieve yourself. Antwerp, Belgium is extremely popular, covered in pins marking what must be the vast majority of places in the city where once can pee for free.
The Village Voice points out that the concept first got attention in a 2009 Curb Your Enthusiasm story arc during which George Costantza made (and lost) millions with his iToilet app. At this writing Airpnp lists only 15 pee-partners in New York City, most of whom are in tourist-heavy midtown Manhattan.