“Dear Joe, I’ve just come from a meeting with top Washington leaders, and I had to contact you right away. Many conservative leaders are worried about the Republican leadership’s ability to resist the Homosexual Lobby. Even after pro-Family voters worked so hard to break the Homosexual Lobby’s stranglehold on Congress. GOP leadership is under tremendous insider pressure to throw conservatives under the bus and continue confirming anti-Family judicial nominees and abandoning Real Marriage. But I am resolved to rally pro-Family resistance against the radical Homosexual Agenda on Capitol Hill. Right now, radical homosexual activists are executing a full-scale covert operation designed to regain their grip on Washington, D.C. And while my warnings regarding the Homosexual Lobby’s unquenchable thirst for power have been proven right, the news media focuses their attacks on me instead. But the Homosexual Lobby’s operatives inside the Republican Party are still trying to convince them they must sell out Traditional Values to stay in power. Will you chip in $10 or $20 or even $35 to fund the mail, telephone operations, and internet campaigns needed to expose their covert operation?” – Eugene Delgaudio, in a money beg which warns that GOProud is trying “pass themselves off as part of our movement.” (GOProud collapsed into a dusty pile of self-hate last summer.)