Brian Brown Writes From The Future

From today’s NOM money beg titled “Ten Years From Now”:

I sit silently holding the note my sixteen year old daughter brought home from school, taking in the word stamped in red — “Suspended.” I look at her and know immediately what has happened, because we’ve been through this before. “He was in the girl’s bathroom again and I told him to leave,” she explains. All I can do is shake my head, realizing this is not going to end well.

You see, the individual my daughter is referring to is a fully-developed seventeen year old young man, but he has chosen to “identify” as a “she.” The school says “she” is entitled to use the girl’s bathroom, locker room and even shower facilities, and that those like my daughter who object to losing their privacy are harming her identity and bullying her. Bullying will not be tolerated.

Kids these days are told that they can choose their own gender. In fact, gender is no longer particularly relevant in the public schools. A few years ago the school district adopted the Ontario, Canada construct of telling students there were six genders, but recently they’ve gone to the Facebook model and teach that there are dozens of genders. What is relevant these days is not gender, but “gender identity.”

Last year they adopted new guidelines to eliminate gender expressions like “boys” and “girls.”

There used to be a Christian student group on campus where my daughter and fellow believers could discuss how to minister to students with different views on issues like human sexuality, but the school disbanded their group because it “discriminated” against students who don’t believe in living godly principles.

And that’s just how it starts. Hit the link for the rest.