“Today, the Vatican’s colloquium on the complementarity of man and woman in marriage moved from laying a theoretical groundwork to take on the tone of a half-time locker room pep talk for those advancing the cause of natural marriage. In message after message today, from Sikh, Muslim, Mormon, and others (including American evangelicals Rick Warren and Russell Moore), there was a clarion call to renew the effort to uphold marriage as God intended it to be. Rick Warren gave an outstanding message that brought everyone to their feet as he gave clear instructions of what we must do. He warned that the opposition would be present as we lifted up marriage, but he said don’t mind the temporal voices, ‘The only way to be relevant is to be eternal.’ And answering those who love to say those who see marriage for how it was created are on the wrong side of history, Rick said, ‘It’s not important to be on the right side of culture or the right side of history, it is just important to be on the right side!'” – Hate group leader Tony Perkins, via email.