Via Reuters:
Among possible Republican candidates, Romney’s 19 percent put him ahead of former Florida governor Jeb Bush with 11 percent, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and Ben Carson each with 8 percent each, and U.S. Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky with 6 percent. Carson, a former neurosurgeon with no political experience, is a conservative commentator and author of “One Nation,” which topped the New York Times best-seller list in June. U.S. Representative Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee all had 5 percent, while 16 percent of those questioned were undecided. With Romney out of the picture, Bush polled 14 percent with Christie at 11 percent and Carson at 9 percent.
The same poll shows Hillary Clinton leading the pack of potential Democratic candidates by more than 40 points.