NORTH CAROLINA: 16 Magistrates Have Now Quit Over Same-Sex Marriage

NOM is cheering this latest update out of North Carolina:

The number of North Carolina magistrates who have resigned or retired early because of their opposition to performing same-sex marriages is higher than previously reported. Last month, a federal judge cleared the way for same-sex marriages in North Carolina, prompting the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) to direct magistrates. They are required by law to perform the wedding ceremonies, if asked. AOC reports between that ruling on Oct. 10 and the end of the month, 16 magistrates left their jobs, but the state wouldn’t release why they left. “I explained to the judges that I could not continue to perform as a magistrate if it included doing something that was against my sincere religious beliefs,” Kallam said at a rally supporting his decision to quit his job. “I felt like to perform same sex unions would be in violation of the Lord’s commands so I couldn’t do that,” said former Gaston Co. Magistrate Bill Stevenson after his resignation.

That only leaves 660 North Carolina magistrates who thus far have no problem fulfilling their employment requirements. They’re all being forced out of their jobs!