Demented homocon horcrux Kevin DuJan and creationist loon Megan Fox are being sued for defamation by a Chicago-area library staffer. Via Raw Story:
Fox, a blogger for PJ Media and YouTube commentator, has aggressively campaigned for more than a year to change library policies in Orland Park after she and an associate claimed they saw men viewing porn at the public library. She and Kevin DuJan — who promotes conspiracy theories about President Barack Obama’s birthplace, drug use, and sexual history — have filed hundreds of Freedom of Information Act requests on library policies and employees. They have also filed at least 34 complaints with the Illinois attorney general alleging transparency law violations by library staffers. Fox and DuJan have written numerous blog and social media posts and posted videos of themselves hounding library employees for information. All of this has cost the suburban Chicago library more than $125,000 in legal fees and keeps two library employees busy for about 35 hours a week, according to spokeswoman Bridget Bittman – a primary target for criticism by the conservative pair. Fox apparently found a photo online through a Google image search of Bittman holding a bottle of Champagne, which she posted on her own Facebook page and suggested that she drank alcohol while engaged in work duties at the library. The conservative activist also posted a video in July on her YouTube channel alleging that police had accused Bittman of disorderly conduct and breach of peace, and other claims the library employee described as false. The suit claims DuJan filed a complaint against Bittman related to those charges, but police found no evidence to support his claims.
The suit claims “violations of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and the Stored
Communications Act” and seeks compensatory and punitive damages from Fox,
DuJan, and their fellow nutjobs. (Tipped by JMG reader Homer)
PREVIOUSLY ON JMG: DuJan is well-known to JMG readers as the source of Teabagistan’s favorite rumor – that President Obama was a regular at Chicago bathhouses before running for the Senate. He has also complained that no one will date him because of his love for Sarah Palin, that gay leftists are trying to poison his cocktails, and that the employees of a popular Chicago gay bar have been ordered to murder him. DuJan gained more national media attention in 2010 when CNN covered his open campaign to rig Dancing With The Stars voting in favor of Bristol Palin. Last year DuJan declared that it was “obvious” that President Obama was high on cocaine on the night of the Benghazi attack.