From the Detroit Free Press:
If ever there were a sign that the U.S. Supreme Court needed to weigh in, forcefully, to tip the federal balance in favor of fairness and equality, this was it. The 2-1 Sixth Circuit ruling overturns an opinion by District Court Judge Bernard Friedman that found Michigan’s 2004 voter-enacted ban on same-sex marriage to be unconstitutional. Friedman found the ban incompatible with the 14th Amendment — which prohibits wanton government discrimination — and recent Supreme Court rulings that have essentially outlawed legislation that singles out gay people for discrimination.
The Sixth Circuit accepted at face-value the dubious connections between same-sex marriage bans and protections for children and child-rearing, even though those connections were obliterated by Judge Friedman, who refused to let some of Michigan’s “experts” even take the stand. The Sixth Circuit judges offered no explanation for their second-guessing. The Sixth Circuit lamented the “prejudice” gay people have experienced in this country, but incredibly concluded that same-sex marriage bans are disconnected to animus or hostility. The logic is tortured, wrong and sickening. The Supreme Court is the only remaining remedy for the Sixth Circuit’s indulgence of bigotry and elevation of inequality over justice. The sooner the court can act, the better.