Details from Gay Star News:
According to the Daily Mail, Kabir Ahmed killed himself in a suicide mission against a Shia leader in Baiji, a city located in northern Iraq. He was killed on a mission allegedly sponsored by the terror group ISIS. In 2012, the 30-year-old was convicted for handing out leaflets calling for the execution of gays. The pamphlets, distributed near the Jamia Mosque on Rosehill Street, Derby, had titles such as ‘Turn or Burn’ and ‘The Death Penalty,’ which showed an image of a mannequin hanging from a noose. Another, entitled ‘God Abhors You – Gay’, warned of ‘severe punishment’ for gays and lesbians and those who ‘remain silent about the evil.’ The leaflets were handed out before Derby’s Gay Pride parade in August 2011. Ahmed was sentenced to 15 months in prison.
RELATED: In February 2012 I reported on the conviction of Ahmed and his two accomplices. An excerpt:
Three Muslim men have been sentenced to prison for handing out “death to gays” pamphlets in the British town of Derby. Last month the men were found guilty of inciting hatred under the recently revised Public Order Act, which now forbids such anti-gay actions. Lawyers for the men objected to their prosecution on the grounds of freedom of speech, pointing out that the pamphlets merely quoted well-known passages from the Koran. However the judge noted that the materials also stated that “capital punishment” was the only cure for homosexuality.