Via the Buenos Aires Herald:
Buenos Aires City yesterday held its 23rd Gay Pride March despite concerns from organizers after Mayor Mauricio Macri’s City Hall refused to take full responsibility for the safety of participants and spectators at what is a public event. Demonstrators gathered at the Congress Square to arrive at the iconic Plaza de Mayo. Around 8pm, the organizerts of the parade read a document. “For more real equality: anti-discrimination law and a secular state,” read the slogan of the march. “We don’t want formal equality. We want to feel equality on the streets, in every province and every part of the state. Never Again to discrimination,” the organizers yesterday said. “The current Anti-discrimination Law was passed in 1998 and it is almost obsolete. The law uses words that no longer exist such as “race”. But the most important problem is that the procedures established to report discriminatory acts do not longer exist,” Julieta Calderón, one of the leaders of the Argentine Federation of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexual and Trans People (FALGBT in Spanish). According to Calderón, sexual diversity organizations commonly receive reports of discriminatory practices at work, school and health institutions. The Federation is sponsoring an anti-discrimination bill, which focuses on the idea of gender identity. “But we also want to reflect other forms of discrimination,” Calderón explained.
The photo and second clip below is by JMG reader Brian.