Via Brent Bozell’s CNS News:
Mathew D. Staver, dean of the Liberty University School of Law, said that efforts to change the definition of marriage to include same-sex “marriage” would be like trying to re-define the law of gravity, adding that, if it were tried, it would mark “the beginning of the end of Western civilization.” “We’ve never been in this situation before,” Staver said in a speech at the American Decency Association 2014 Summer Conference in Grand Rapids, Mich. “We will not be able to escape the coercive nature of this issue. It is cataclysmic in its change-effect. It is, I believe, ultimately the beginning of the end of Western civilization, if we adopt this as a country.” Staver, who is also the founder and chairman of the international litigation group Liberty Counsel, made his remarks during a speech entitled “Living in the Shade of Vesuvius.”