From today’s Family Research Council “Prayer Target”:
Beginning of the ENDA – President Obama signed an executive order Monday to protect “gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender employees from discrimination by companies that do federal government work.” Tony Perkins commented, “mandating that all federal contractors and subcontractors — regardless of their religious and moral convictions — give special treatment to homosexuals, transgenders, and cross-dressers in the workplace.” The order also applies to subcontractors and will impact 24,000 companies, 28 million workers — about one-fifth of the total U.S. workforce. Government employees are already subject to an ENDA-like order. Tony writes, “This action is wrong… because it accepts the premise that distinctions based on actual conduct — such as homosexual behavior and cross-dressing — should be treated the same way as distinctions based on immutable and innocuous characteristics like race.”
May God’s people pray and arise to take action! May the next Congress and President act to protect all who hold to the Faith of our Fathers, and reverse the activist homosexual agenda in every branch of Government! (Ex 23:1-2; Dan 11:32; Acts 5:29).
(Via Good As You)