A lesbian student who married her partner was expelled from an Oklahoma university one semester shy of her sports management degree. Christian Minard married Kadyn Parks on March 17, 2014. Christian Minard, 22, attended Southwestern Christian University, a school affiliated with the International Pentecostal Holiness Church in Bethany, Okla. As part of her admission requirements, she signed a lifestyle covenant that prohibits “homosexual behavior.” Minard, who belongs to an Evangelical Lutheran Church in America congregation in Oklahoma City, is a Christian, but her decision to marry her partner, Kadyn Parks, put her at odds with the school’s lifestyle covenant. The two were married in Albuquerque, N.M., on March 17. On Wednesday (July 9), a letter addressed to Minard from Brad Davis, the school’s vice president of student life, arrived at her parents’ home, telling her she was being expelled.
The school’s lifestyle contract includes “homosexual behavior, harassment, sexual misconduct, pornography, alcohol, and tobacco.”