“Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi is giving only window dressing to the Florida Marriage Amendment. Bondi sent one of her staff attorneys to argue the case against the constitutional amendment, and her office filed a short, 14-page brief only a week before the court date. If Attorney General Pam Bondi does not want to present a vigorous defense, she owes it to the voters of Florida to step down and allow someone else to represent the interests of the State. I call on Governor Rick Scott to get off the sidelines and appoint an independent counsel who can adequately represent the people of Florida.” – Liberty Counsel chairman Mat Staver, who yesterday testified in the Monroe County marriage lawsuit brought by two Key West bartenders. Staver also appeared at last week’s case in Miami-Dade County.
RELATED: The Liberty Counsel’s amicus brief in the Key West case cites the debunked Regnerus study, a column by Maggie Gallagher, a study on the rate of anal cancer in gay men, and a statement by crackpot David Pickup, who was a party to Liberty Counsel’s failed attempt to repeal California’s ban on “ex-gay” torture.