Via the Voice Of San Diego:
Carl DeMaio has a simple solution to how we handle the tens of thousands of desperate Central American children who have presented themselves to the Border Patrol: Send them home. Don’t give them hearings for asylum. Don’t screen them to ensure they’re not being trafficked. And DeMaio’s stance is a bold one. He’s saying we should get rid of a 2008 law that passed Congress unopposed. It’s called the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 and it was a product of former President George W. Bush and a bipartisan group of lawmakers. It’s not totally clear how much this law and others have contributed to apparent confusion over what happens to kids who make it to this country. But the fact is many of them are released temporarily into the country to live with family members here, potentially for years as they await hearings. The law says we have to screen unaccompanied youth who come to this country. We have to determine whether they are being trafficked or are in other danger.
DeMaio has launched a “Secure Our Borders Now” petition. If you sign it, you get taken to his campaign donation page. He will face Rep. Scott Peters in November.