Via the Miami Herald:
The Christian Family Coalition of Florida called the ruling a “corrupt decision,” and a “judicial lynching of nearly 8 million Florida voters” who voted to ban same-sex marriage in 2008. John Stemberger, who led that 2008 campaign, said he would keep fighting. “This is an issue worth dying for,” said Stemberger, president and general counsel of the Florida Family Policy Council in Orlando. “Every domestic partnership, every single civil union, every couple that cohabitates, these arrangements dilute and devalue marriage.” Stemberger said he wasn’t “daunted” by Garcia’s ruling, nor was he surprised. “The court was very hostile to our position,” he said. “This is a very sad day for Floridians. This is an entirely illegitimate process. The judge had no legal authority in this decision.”
Watch Stemberger’s crybaby video below.
(Tipped by JMG reader Erik)