“Today, I’m launching Public Advocate’s Religious Liberty Defense Fund. My team has crunched the numbers and Public Advocate needs to raise $30,000 by Thursday, July 31st just to maintain the critical campaigns we are already running. Our budget is strained to the max, but without an immediate influx of funds, I may be forced to abandon our fight to defend Religious Liberty. Right now, Christian business owners are being forced into re-education programs for refusing to affirm homosexual marriages. Anti-religious forces are attacking public images of the Cross and trying to purge open expressions of Christianity. This fight is bursting at the seams in states across the nation. I don’t want to throw in the towel during such a crucial moment in the battle for our Religious Liberties. Can I count on you to contribute $15 today to help us reach our goal of $30,000 by July 31st? My staff and I stretch every dollar of our budget. So if $15 is too much, please consider a gift of $10 or even just $5. Any amount you can give to help get our Religious Liberty Defense Fund up and running is a blessing, and our deadline of July 31st is less than 10 days away.” – Hate group crackpot Eugene Delgaudio, writing from a warehouse suspiciously buzzing with long-haired men. (Tipped by JMG reader Fred)