Death & Taxes has some background:
Brian Schwanke, self-described Christian, Tea Party Patriot, ‘feminazi’ hater and Civil War reenactor was simply appalled when he saw a picture of President Obama appearing to “flirt” with Demark’s Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt. So disgusted was he that he immediately took to his Facebook page to scrawl “What a classy president we have. His wife has to sit between him to make ‘lil Barry “behave.” He also used that same Facebook page to assert his belief that the United States “WAS founded on a CHRISTIAN foundation, and the progressive, atheist left is running us into the ground to create a Socialist country that will fall like all the others.”
The Smoking Gun has the arrest details:
The email conversation progressed when the undercover officer asked if [email protected] was a really a pastor. At this point, [email protected] stated that “I have been a pastor for almost 20 years. I’m on my third church. I have the teen group, and with my pool at my house I find lots of chances to “counsel” the girls. I have no kids of my own and my wife passed away about 5 years ago. So I get lonely and the teens “comfort” me lol.” When asked how young he liked them, [email protected] replied “lol I’ve fucked quite a few over the years, some were already sluts, some I took their virginity. I’ve even knocked up a couple but we were able to make people believe it was somebone else. I’ve had sex with as young as age 10, but, have done oral with as young as 8.”
From Schwanke’s Facebook page: “All men have sinned and only by forgiveness through the Blood of Christ can we avoid the punishment of Hell.” Praise! Glory!