“Plenty of states have been processing down the same-sex marriage aisle. But according to pundits, that’s all about to change. Homosexual activists like to say that momentum is on their side. And until recently, they might have been right. Sixteen U.S. states now recognize a right to same-sex marriage. And unfortunately, the Left’s success in places like Hawaii and Illinois have helped feed the lie in America that homosexual marriage is inevitable. But don’t believe it, say experts. All we’ve witnessed lately is the Left taking advantage of easy targets. With the exception of West Virginia, none of the other 34 states are under Democratic control. That means the Left’s toughest battles are yet to come. And in places like Indiana, the tide may already be turning. State liberals are rushing to play defense while a marriage protection amendment works its way to the statewide ballot. So be encouraged. Not all same-sex wedding bills are leading to wedding bells.” – KKK-affiliated hate group leader Tony Perkins, speaking today on Christian radio.